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Converting ssh keys from old formats

Like a lot of people, my main experience with private keys has come from using them for SSH. I’m familiar with the theory, of course - I know generally what asymmetric encryption does, and I know that it means a compromised server can’t reveal your private key, which is nice although if you only ever use a given private key to SSH into your server and the server is already compromised, is that really so helpful?

Mixing GUIs and CLIs on Windows: A Cautionary Tale

If you’ve used desktop Linux, then I’m sorry for you. You will, however, most likely be familiar with the practice of using the same app from either the CLI or the GUI, depending on how you invoke it and what you want to do with it. In some cases, the CLI merely replicates the functionality of the GUI, but (due to being, you know, a CLI) is much easier to incorporate in scripts and such. In other cases (Wezterm is a good example) the GUI app acts as a “server” with which the CLI communicates to cause it to do various things while it runs.

Thoughts on Vue vs Svelte

Recently I’ve had a chance to get to know Vue a bit. Since my frontend framework of choice has previously been Svelte (this blog is built in Svelte, for instance) I was naturally interested in how they compared.

Exposing Docker Containers to your LAN

A while back I had occasion to make a number of docker containers directly accessible on the LAN, i.e. without all the usual ceremony of port-forwardism that Docker requires. In retrospect I made it a lot more complicated than it had to be, but I wanted to document the process anyway because you never know when that sort of thing might come in handy.

The Hitchiker's Guide to Mesh VPNs

Recently at work we’ve been moving to a new VPN, and naturally as part of that process we done a bunch of research into the available options before settling on one. Mostly I want to document that for my own future reference, so that if this question comes up again I don’t have to go redo it all, but if it ends up being helpful to someone else someday then that’s great too. (If I ever get this blog site launched, that is. Currently it’s not looking too good.)